With many of us now able to get back in the gym, back to work and back to the climbing wall, it’s still vitally important to maintain high levels of cleanliness in shared climbing environments and to keep Covid-19 at bay.
For climbing gyms, rope technicians, rescue and working at height teams shared climbing rope equipment could mean the potential for cross-contamination and spread of the virus.
We are all now in the habit of using disinfectant and hand sanitisers, but how do these products affect climbing gear, and in particular, climbing rope?
Do you need to clean a climbing rope?
Your climbing rope needs to be well maintained whether you are using it on a mountain or top-roping in an indoor gym.
Keeping your rope clean is vital for it to function properly and slide through a belay or an auto belay device.
Washing your climbing rope with a strong detergent, bleach or acids, however, could affect the integrity of the rope.
What do you clean a climbing rope with?
Prior to Covid-19 different manufacturers studied combinations of hot water temperatures, Isopropanol or soap had on the stability and breaking strength of different climbing rope material (e.g. Dyneema which is an ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and Nylon)
Since Covid-19, manufacturers have been reviewing their cleaning studies to see if they are applicable for combatting the novel SARS-COV-2 variant.
But whatever combination of heat, water, chemical or quarantining is advised, are these methods feasible for certain climbing facilities with time slots or needing a quick turnaround of equipment for classes or training?
Similarly, for rope technicians on-site, it may not be possible to wash and dry rope in industrial settings.
What’s needed is a quick and easy to use sanitiser that is effective against SARS-COV-2.
Is there a rope cleaner or sanitiser that’s safe for climbing equipment and climbing rope?
BEAL* has recently conducted tests of its Nylon filament ropes using Real Sphere Eco World Limited OCCIDERE multi-surface sanitiser liquid, and found that it did not have a damaging effect on BEAL rope.
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The tests were carried out in May 2021 on BEAL INDUSTRIE 10.5mm rope in a pre-packaged Occidere 8% solution.
Occidere is an eco-friendly surface sanitiser that’s safe for climbing walls and climbing equipment.
Unlike some other sanitisers, Occidere is effective within 30 seconds of being applied and doesn’t contain any alcohol or bleach, which is why SafeClimb recommends it for climbing walls and climbing equipment.
Why is Occidere good for climbing equipment?
- OCCIDERE is a unique water-based agent that cleans and sanitizes hard surfaces, fabrics, carpets and anywhere where hygiene is paramount.
- OCCIDERE is a blend of advanced quaternary ammonium biocides and surfactants to produce a broad spectrum of killing power on a range of enveloped viruses and bacteria.
- OCCIDERE has been tested to BS/EN 1276* with a contact time of 30 SECONDS against bacteria.
- OCCIDERE is a multi-use sanitiser that has been tested by a Licensed UK Laboratory performed to ISO 17025 as required by BPR to BS EN 14476, 2013 + A2:2019 to be effective in 30 SECONDS.
- OCCIDERE POSSESS VIRUCIDAL activity at a concentration of 8.0% V/V as tested after 30 SECONDS under DIRTY conditions offering unique accelerated performance. Therefore OCCIDERE is effective against all enveloped viruses as defined in EN 14476.2013 + A2.2019 Annex A*. This, therefore, includes all Coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 variants.
SafeClimb are official distributors of Occidere.
As it requires minimal PPE or respiratory protection it is quick to use too. If you are looking for an eco-friendly cleaning solution to provide your climbers with peace of mind, get in contact with us.
We love climbing and are passionate about safety. For more information about Occidere simply visit https://safeclimb.co.uk/product/occidere-multi-surface-sanitiser/ or contact Liza on +44 (0)333 200 2602.
*It must be stressed that this evaluation applies only to BEAL products made from Nylon filament. It cannot cover all other textiles, plastics etc. and it does not automatically mean that other manufacturers and brands would accept the use of this product on their goods. It is also no endorsement of the capabilities or claims of OCCIDERE as a sanitiser. Evidence of OCCIDERE’s effectiveness must remain the responsibility of REALSPHERE.