Innovative Design

Autobelays that deliver cutting edge safety features

UK Manufacturing

Designed, Developed & Manufactured in the UK

Your Global Climbing Partner

Autobelays, harnesses, mobile, fixed & bouldering walls

Our Mission

To be the best support to our customers offering polite, consistent and easy service in all aspects of our business. To build relationships and partnerships to the benefit of our customers, agents and suppliers for a good working balance.

What our customers say



Since 2014 SafeClimb has been completely dedicated company to the design, manufacture and maintenance of height safety equipment, in particular the SafeDown auto belay, a specifically designed auto belay to replace the CWD that was no longer in manufacture. Liza now runs the company with the sole focus on safety in the leisure markets worldwide. Liza and her team will continue to look at avenues to improve safety at height in the leisure and industrial markets while supporting customers with an attentive maintenance package offering onsite as well as in house servicing.



With 28 years of experience in the height safety industry, Liza’s dedication to height safety equipment is in the after care, rather than the sale, of the equipment. Liza believes this is where most incidences occur and therefore runs a focused maintenance regime for anything she sells. Liza has been known to remove a customer’s equipment if they won’t get it serviced due to the danger this could put a user at! Not a lady to be messed with! 😉

Liza Collard

Owner/ CEO

Dan’s role had changed within the company to reflect new and exciting changes to the way we operate. With the growth of international partners SafeClimb are in a position to have time to develop new and innovate products. He has a long list of projects, some of which are under test now.

Dan is also under the mentoring of our CEO to develop his business management skills and take over the day to day running of the business. He has a passion for all things height safety, coming from the wind turbine industry, including mechanical engineering and climbing indoors or out!

Daniel Semourson

Operations and Production Manager

Paul has been working with SafeClimb since 2011 and is responsible for keeping everyone on their toes and in good order, accounts-wise. He’s a stickler for detail and makes sure that customer, supplier and compliance accounts are up-to-the minute and accurate. Paul is everyone’s favourite in the company (well, on payday, anyway). His primary mission is to help Liza make SafeClimb the very best it can be, at everything it does.

When not working at SafeClimb Paul likes to relax (ha!) in his garden and get out for long
walks with his grand-doggies.

Paul Davies

Finance Manager